Frequently Asked Questions

Read below to find answers to the most commonly asked questions and other important topics

Funding Your Account

Select Your Preferred Method: Wired Transfer or ACH


    JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
    270 Park Avenue
    New York, NY 10017-2070
    ABA #021000021
    Hilltop Securities, Inc.
    Account: #08805076955
    FFC: (customer name & account number at Hilltop)
    Attention: Settlement Dept.
    JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
    270 Park Avenue
    New York, NY 10017-2070
    ABA #021000021
    Hilltop Securities, Inc.
    Account: #08805076955
    SWIFT Address: CHASUS33
    FFC: (customer name & account number at Hilltop)
    IMPORTANT ADDRESSES:JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
    270 Park Avenue
    New York, NY 10017-2070Hilltop Securities, Inc.
    1201 Elm Street, Suite 3500
    Dallas, TX 75270



Account Login

To access your account online, please go

Click on the “Login” link on the top right side of the page. 

Then select “Momentum Client” followed by First Time Client User? Please Register here  

What types of information will you need to provide?

Your account is protected by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation.

• When you open an account, our firm is required to collect information such as the following: your name, address, date of birth, Identification number:

• (a) US Citizen: taxpayer identification number (social security number or employee identification number), or 

• (b) Non-US Citizen: taxpayer identification number, passport number, and country of issuance, alien identification card number, or government- issued identification showing nationality, residence, and a photograph of you. You may also need to show your driver’s license or other identifying documents.

• A corporation, partnership, trust or other legal entity may need to provide other information such as its principal place of business, local office, employer identification number, certified articles of incorporation, government issued business license, a partnership agreement or a trust agreement.

US Department of the Treasury, Securities and Exchange Commission, FINRA and New York Stock Exchange rules already require you to provide additional information, such as net worth, annual income, occupation, employment information, investment experience and objectives, and risk tolerance.

What happens if I don't provide the information requested or my identity card cannot be verified?

• Our firm may not be able to open an account or carry out transactions for you.


• Important Note: Modifying a partially executed order, also known as a cancel/replace, is considered a new order and will incur a separate commission if the modified order is executed.

• [1] Option rates apply to each side of spread orders. Option strategies involve multiple purchases; therefore your transaction costs may be significant for option strategy trades.

• [2] Select proprietary index options may incur additional fees. Please check our Brokerage Fees page for further details.

• [3] There is no broker-assist charge for extended hours trading.

• Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. Prior to trading options, you must be approved for options trading and read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. A copy may also be requested via email at or via mail to Regal Securities, 950 Milwaukee Ave., Ste. 102, Glenview, IL 60025. 

• Online trading has inherent risks due to loss of online services or delays from system performance, risk parameters, market conditions, and erroneous or unavailable market data.

Day Trading Margin Rules

• The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) have filed amendments to NYSE Rule 431 and NASD Rule 2520 with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) which increase margin requirements for active security traders. As a result, effective August 27, 2001, all accounts identified as pattern day traders will be required to maintain a minimum of $25,000.00 in equity at all times. Pattern day traders whose equity falls below the $25,000.00 requirement must deposit the funds necessary to meet the equity minimum before normal trading can resume.

Pattern Day Traders (PDT)

• Under the amendments, “pattern day traders” are defined as those customers who day trade (buy and sell the same position within the same trading day) four or more times in five business days. In addition, if SuccessTrader knows or has a reasonable basis to believe that a client is a pattern day trader, the customer must be designated as a pattern day trader immediately, instead of delaying such determination for five business days.

Summary of Rule 431

• A pattern day trader is defined as any customer who executes four or more day trades within five business days, provided the number of day trades is more than 6% of the total trades in the account during that period.

Any accounts engaging in pattern Day Trading activity are subject to a minimum equity requirement of $25,000. Pattern Day Trading accounts with less than $25,000 in equity will not have any buying power until the minimum account equity of $25,000 has been met. The minimum equity must be in the margin type.

• The sale of an existing position from the previous day and subsequent repurchase is not considered a day trade.

• Day trading buying power for equity securities will be 4 times the NYSE excess as of the close of business on the previous day, and the time and tick method of calculating Day Trading is acceptable.

• If an account has an outstanding Day Trading margin call, Day Trading buying power will be reduced to 2 times the NYSE excess, and the time and tick calculation method cannot be used while a Day Trading margin call is outstanding. The aggregate method (using the total of all day trades) will be used.

• If an account fails to meet a Day Trading margin call by depositing additional funds within 5 days, Day Trading buying power will be reduced to 1 times NYSE excess for a period of 90 days, or until the call is met.

• Pattern day traders will be prohibited from utilizing cross guarantees to meet Day Trading margin calls or to meet minimum equity requirements.

• Deposits of funds to meet minimum equity requirements or to meet Day Trading margin calls must remain in the customer’s account and cannot be withdrawn for a minimum of two business days.

• The time and tick method will not be used for day trades executed away from Hilltop Securities, Inc.

Direct access trading

• Option rates apply to each side of spread orders. Option strategies involve multiple purchases; therefore your transaction costs may be significant for option strategy trades.

• Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. Prior to trading options, you must be approved for options trading and read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. A copy may also be requested via email at or via mail to Regal Securities, 950 Milwaukee Ave., Ste. 102, Glenview, IL 60025. Online trading has inherent risks due to loss of online services or delays from system performance, risk parameters, market conditions, and erroneous or unavailable market data.

• Foreign stock orders are $39.00.

Customers must maintain a minimum of $25,000 in equity in order to use Sterling Trader Pro and the DAS/Web and DAS/ PRO platforms.

• Short option day trades executed by pattern day traders (PDT) will be subject to naked requirements unless an intraday hedge exists. If the option is classified as “hedged” or “strategy,” the greater of the net premium of the strategy requirement will be charged. The following strategies qualify as an intraday hedge for the purpose of day trade calculations: Debit spreads, Credit spreads, Box spreads, Long and short butterflies including calendar butterflies, Calendar spreads, Condors including calendar condors, Long and short iron butterflied including calendars, Covered calls and puts. Money market funds are not applied towards calculating day trade buying power. Please contact us to have money market funds journaled to the margin type prior to the effective date if you would like to use all funds to calculate day trade buying power. Also, please note it is necessary to shut off sweeps to money market upon trade settlement in order to use all available funds to day trade without interruption. This request must be in writing with a signature.

• Direct Access Trading involves additional fees and risk.

Extended Hours Trading

• Extended Hours Trading specifically refers to stock trading outside Wall Street’s traditional trading hours of 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST. An Extended Hours order may only be placed and executed on one of the Electronic Communications Networks (ECNs). Extended Hours investing involves unique risks that investors should fully understand before placing an order after hours. These risks include, but are not limited to, greater price volatility, less liquidity, and wider bid/ask spreads than during regular market hours. Prior to participating in this unique Extended Hours session, you should review and be aware of the various risks and requirements involved in Extended Hours Trading. While trading in the Extended Hours sessions is not new, in the past it has been a mostly institutional market with institutional traders working primarily on behalf of banks, insurance companies, mutual funds and pension funds.

Eligible securities/Order types

• Extended Hours Trading is provided only in stocks listed on a national exchange and NASDAQ.

Placing a trade

• To place an extended hours trade please call the trade desk at 1-888-411-1217

• Extended hours trades must be placed as a limit order. Due to the illiquid nature of extended hours markets, market orders are not accepted.

Extended Hours
Extended hours trading is available from 4:00-9:30 a.m. EST and from 4:00-8:00 p.m. EST. Extended hours trades can be placed online, additional fees may apply.
Nature of Extended Hours trading

• ECNs provide a service to investors that want to trade during traditional and nontraditional hours. Since Extended Hours Trading for retail customers is still a relatively small market, many brokerage firms staff for the traditional trading hours, with a smaller staff during the Extended Trading sessions. The availability of customer support staff and other services relating to policies and operations during Extended Hours Trading may also be limited, including access to account information and account representatives and support staff (such as margin clerks and cashiers) especially in the event of heavy Internet traffic, phone usage, or system capacity problems.

• Most ECN’s only allow customers to enter limit orders, meaning they will only accept orders to buy and sell at a specific price. If a trade can’t be consummated at that price, the order will expire unfilled. Essentially, the ECN systems simply list orders to buy and sell, and when they detect a match, the system automatically executes the trades. Regardless of whether or not a particular ECN allows market orders or sticks to limit orders only, it is good practice for investors to place only limit orders, thus protecting themselves somewhat from the wide price swings that might occur in the Pre and Post-trading sessions, when trading volume is lower.

Risks of Extended Hours trading

• The risks of Extended Hours trading include but are not limited to:


• Liquidity refers to the ability of market participants to buy and sell securities. Generally, the more orders that are available in a market, the greater the liquidity. Liquidity is important because with greater liquidity it is easier for investors to buy or sell securities, and as a result, investors are more likely to pay or receive a competitive price for securities purchased or sold. There may be lower liquidity in Extended Hours trading as compared to regular market hours. Only specific stocks, or groups of stocks, and other securities will be available for trading in Extended Hours sessions. Not all stocks may be traded during Extended trading sessions. Trading volume may be lighter than regular trading sessions, resulting in less liquidity for certain securities. As a result, customers may receive partial executions, or no executions at all.

Increased volatility

• Volatility refers to the changes in price that securities undergo when trading. Generally, the higher the volatility of a security, the greater its price swings. There may be greater volatility in Extended Hours Trading than in regular market hours. As a result, your order may only be partially executed, or not at all, or you may receive an inferior price in Extended Hours Trading than you would during regular market hours.

Inaccurate "Real-time" quotes

• Depending on the Extended Hours Trading system or the time of day, the prices displayed on a particular Extended Hours Trading system may not reflect the prices in other concurrently operating Extended Hours Trading systems dealing in the same securities. There may be multiple, unlinked after hours trading facilities trading the same security. You may receive an inferior price in one Extended Hours Trading system than you would in another Extended Hours Trading system. Accordingly, “real-time” quotes may or may not reflect the true condition of the market. As a protection, only limit orders should be used in after hours trading.

Wider than normal spreads

• The spread refers to the difference in price between what you can buy a security for and what you can sell it for. Lower trading volumes and higher volatility, as well as other characteristics of Extended Hours Trading sessions, could result in wider than normal spreads. As a result, customer orders could be executed away from prices that prevailed during regular market sessions, or not be executed at all.

Fragmentation of the market

• There may be multiple, unlinked after hours trading facilities trading the same security but operating independently of one another. Accordingly, investors may pay more or receive less for their securities purchases or sales when trading in a particular after hours trading facility in comparison to the securities primary market or other Extended Hours Trading facility.

Impact of news announcements

• Normally, issuers make news announcements that may affect the price of their securities after regular market hours. Similarly, important financial information is frequently announced outside of regular market hours. In Extended Hours Trading, these announcements may occur during trading. The impact of news announcements immediately preceding or during an Extended Hours session could cause an exaggerated effect on the market due to fewer market participants, less liquidity, and less trading volume than during regular trading sessions. If securities have been halted during the regular trading session, such trading halts will continue to be in effect during the after-hours trading session. No trading halts will be initiated by the after-hours trading session itself during the after hours trading session.

Risk of changing prices

• The prices of securities traded in Extended Hours Trading may not reflect the prices either at the end of regular market hours, or upon the opening the next morning. As a result, you may receive an inferior price in Extended Hours Trading than you would during regular market hours. Understand what it means to trade on margin. While practiced by many knowledgeable investors, trading with borrowed funds may result in magnified losses, even to the point of exceeding your initial investment.

• Trading may have become as easy as “point and click,” but there’s still only one way to invest. Investigate before you invest. Be informed. Invest smart.

Fixed Income

• Clients should take special care in understanding all of the risks involved prior to investing in Fixed Income and Structured Products as they are not suitable for all investors.

• Although bonds generally present less short-term risk and volatility than stocks, bonds do entail interest rate risk (as interest rates rise, bond prices usually fall and vice versa) and the risk of default, or the risk that an issuer will be unable to make income or principal payments. Additionally, bonds and short-term investments entail greater inflation risk, or the risk that the return on investment will not keep up with increases in the prices of goods and services, than stocks. In this economic environment, please be aware that bond ratings may change and may affect the value of the bond.

• Structured products are subject to market, liquidity, interest rate, and volatility risks. Though a structured product can be issued a ticker symbol and be approved for listing on an exchange, an active and liquid trading market may not develop. Limits or caps in the appreciation of the underlying asset can limit upside appreciation while investors are still exposed to downside risk and can lose part or all of their original investment. Returns of principal may not be obtained if the investment is sold prior to maturity, thus an investor may experience loss of principal. Principal protection and payment at maturity is subject to the credit risk of the issuer.

• Before purchasing a CD, investors should fully understand all of its terms and carefully read all disclosure statements. For more information about federal deposit insurance, the FDIC offers an online tool, Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator to estimate your total coverage at any particular bank.

• Regal may act as principal on any fixed income transaction. When acting as principal, Regal will add a markup to any purchase, and subtract a markdown from every sale. This markup or markdown will be included in the price quoted to you.

• All fixed income products are subject to availability. Regal makes no investment recommendations and does not provide financial, tax or legal advice. You should seek the advice of your independent financial advisor or tax advisor before making any investment and consider your overall financial status, tax status and investment objectives.

Good Faith Violation ("GFV")

• Regal through its clearing agent Hilltop Securities, Inc. is required to implement policies concerning trading with unsettled funds. Your account can be charged with a Good Faith Violation (GFV) if you sell a security that was purchased with unsettled funds and then sold prior to the settlement of the first sell (see examples below). Three (3) GFV’s in any twelve (12) month rolling period will result in your account being restricted to liquidating transactions only for 90 days.  Please note that stocks settle in two business days and options settle in one business day.


• On Monday customer sells “A” for $5,000, of a long, settled and fully paid for position.

• On Monday customer buys “B” for $5,000 using the proceeds from sale of “A” which settles on Wednesday.

• On Monday or Tuesday customer sells “B”, the sale would result in a good faith violation since “B” was sold prior to the settlement of “A”.


• On Monday customer sells “A” for $1,000, of a long, settled and fully paid for position.

• On Monday customer buys “B” for $1,000 using the proceeds from sale of “A” which settles on Tuesday.

• On Monday customer sells “B”, the sale would result in a good faith violation since “B” was sold prior to the settlement of “A”.

• For questions contact Regal at 1-800-610-6431.


• IRAs incur an annual fee of $15.00. A $60.00 closing fee applies to closed or outgoing IRA transfers.

• SuccessTrader is a DBA of Regal Securities, Inc., makes neither a recommendation as to the appropriateness of investing in any specific investment product nor is it providing any specific investment advice for any particular investor. Due to rapidly changing market conditions, and the complexity of investment decisions, supplemental information and sources may be required to make informed investment decisions. Clients should take special care in understanding all of the risks involved prior to investing.

Option trading in an IRA

• Regal allows option trading in IRAs based on investor’s individual suitability. Option trading in IRAs includes call buying, put buying, cash-secured put writing, spreads, and covered calls. Unsecured (naked) puts and naked call transactions are not permitted in IRAs. We reserve the right to determine what trading is suitable for an IRA. When trading options in an IRA, there are significant limitations as to how potential losses can be covered.

• Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. Prior to trading options, you must be approved for options trading and read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. A copy may also be requested via email at or via mail to Regal Securities, 950 Milwaukee Ave., Ste. 102, Glenview, IL 60025. Online trading has inherent risks due to loss of online services or delays from system performance, risk parameters, market conditions, and erroneous or unavailable market data.

Keeping your account secure

• Regal takes cyber security seriously by implementing a secure environment and taking steps to protect customer assets, employees and our customers’ personally identifiable information. In order to protect against potential cyber-terrorism and hackers who target financial firms, Regal has policies and procedures ensuring Cyber security, Identity Theft, and General Security Preparedness. Additionally, Regal has a comprehensive Disaster Recovery/ Business Continuity plan, and periodically performs testing of Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity readiness tasks.

• While we take numerous steps to help protect the security of your account, there are steps that you, the customer, can take to protect your account as well. To help protect your personal identity and prevent your personal information from being disseminated to unauthorized individuals, always remember to remain vigilant by keeping your personal and financial information secure, and be aware of “Phishing” and fraudulent emails and suspicious websites.

Unsecure computers and wireless network

• Unsecured wireless networks pose a significant risk to computing assets and information. In general, unsecured wireless networks should be avoided and should never be used as a primary networking resource.

• Additionally, the following brochures describe the critical steps you can take to safeguard your financial accounts and help prevent identity theft.

• Please read “Keeping Your Account Secure – Tips for Protecting Your Financial Information” provided by the Securities Industry and Financial Marketing Association (SIFMA) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

• “Phishing” and Other Online Identity Theft Scams: Don’t Take the Bait

• If you have any questions about how we keep your account information safe, please email us at

Credit Terms and Policies

• The following Disclosure of Credit Terms and Policies is required by the Securities and Exchange Commission and is part of your Regal Account–Customer Account Agreement. It describes the terms under which we extend credit and charge interest and how your obligations are secured by property in your Account.

• Interest Charges. We will charge interest on a daily basis on the credit we extend to you. The daily interest charges are calculated by multiplying your “daily adjusted debit balance” by the “daily margin interest rate.” Generally speaking, your daily adjusted debit balance is the actual settled debit balance in your Margin and Short Account, increased by the value of securities held short and reduced by the amount of any settled credit balance carried in your Cash Account.

• We calculate your daily-adjusted debit balance each day by adjusting your previous day’s balance by any debits and credits to your account and by changes in the value of short positions. If your daily-adjusted debit balance is reduced because you deposit a check or other item that is later returned to us unpaid, we may adjust your account to reflect interest charges you have incurred.

• We reserve the right to charge interest on debit balances in the Cash Account. Periodically, we will send you a comprehensive statement showing the activity in your account, including applicable interest charges, interest rates and adjusted daily debit balances.

• Daily Margin Interest Rate. The “daily margin interest rate” is based on a 360-day year. It is calculated for each day by dividing the base margin interest rate by 360. Note that the use of a 360-day year results in a higher effective rate of interest than if a year of 365 days were used.

• The applicable margin interest rate is set according to Regal option’s margin rate schedule.

• Your margin interest rate will be adjusted automatically and without notice to reflect any change in the Base Rate. If your interest rate increases for any reason other than a change in the Base Rate, we will give you written notice at least 30 days’ prior to that change.

• Compounding Interest Charges. We compound interest on a daily basis. Interest charges will accrue to your account each day. We will include the charges in the next day’s opening debit balance and charge interest accordingly. The interest rates described above do not reflect compounding of unpaid interest charges; the effective interest rate, taking into effect such compounding, will be higher.

• Initial Margin Requirements. The Federal Reserve Board and various stock exchanges determine margin loan rules and regulations. When you purchase securities on margin, you agree to deposit the required initial equity by the settlement date and to maintain your equity at the required levels. The maximum amount we currently may loan for common stock (equity) securities is 50% of the value of marginable securities purchased in your Margin and Short Account; different requirements apply to non-equity securities, such as bonds or options. If the market value of stock held as collateral increases after you have met the initial margin requirements, your available credit may increase proportionately. Conversely, if the market value decreases, your available credit may proportionately decrease.

• Initial margin requirements may change without prior notice. We may impose anytime and without prior notice more stringent requirements on positions that in our sole discretion involve higher levels of risk; for example, higher limits may apply for thinly traded, speculative or volatile securities, or concentrated positions of securities.

• You may purchase only certain securities on margin or use them as collateral in your Margin and Short Account. Most stocks traded on national securities exchanges, and some over-the-counter (OTC) securities are marginable. At our discretion, we reserve the right not to extend credit on any security.

• Equity securities with a market value of less than $3 per share may not be purchased on margin or deposited as margin collateral. If the market value of a security drops below $3 per share, the security will not be assigned any value as collateral to secure your margin obligations.

• Margin Maintenance Requirements. 

*  You must maintain a minimum amount of equity in your account to collateralize your outstanding loans and other obligations. Margin maintenance requirements are set:

• By the rules and regulations of the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and other regulatory agencies to the jurisdiction of which we are subject; and

• According to our sole discretion and judgment.

• You agree to maintain in your Margin and Short Account collateral of the type and amount required by:

• Applicable exchange rules and federal regulations; and

• Our Disclosure of Credit Terms and Policies; or

• As required by us, at our discretion.

• Margin maintenance requirements may change without prior notice.

• We may issue a “margin call” (that is, a notification to deposit additional collateral) if your account equity falls below the margin maintenance requirement. This can happen for various reasons. The most common reasons are a decrease in the value of long securities held as collateral or an increase in the value of securities held short.

• As a general guideline and when it is practicable to do so, we may (but are not required to) issue a margin call when the equity in your Margin and Short Account falls below a predetermined percentage of the market value of assets at risk (that is, the sum of the market values of the long and short equity security positions) in your Margin and Short Account. The amount of additional collateral we require usually is an amount sufficient to raise your equity to minimum standards. For information on the current equity requirements, please contact your broker.

• We retain absolute discretion to determine whether, when and in what amounts we will require additional collateral. In some situations, we may find it necessary to require a higher level of equity in your account. For example, we may require additional collateral if an account contains:

• Only one security or a large concentration of one or more securities; or

• Low-priced, thinly traded or volatile securities; or if

• Some of your collateral is or becomes restricted or non-negotiable or non-marginable. We also may consider market conditions and your financial resources.

Miscellaneous Fees

• Important Note: Modifying a partially executed order, also known as a cancel/replace, is considered a new order and will incur a separate commission if the modified order is executed.

• [1] Applicable fees include wire fees, rejection fees, and shipping fees, redeposit fees, transfer agent fees, DWAC fees, and agent fees.

• [2] A DRS statement is sent only when a security is returned to the transfer agent to hold in book entry form

• Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. Prior to trading options, you must be approved for options trading and read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. A copy may also be requested via email at or via mail to Regal Securities, 950 Milwaukee Ave., Ste. 102, Glenview, IL 60025. Online trading has inherent risks due to loss of online services or delays from system performance, risk parameters, market conditions, and erroneous or unavailable market data.

• Fees & Commissions effective as of 1/14/2017. All fees subject to change without notice.

Option Education

 The Options Industry Council website is created and maintained by a third party who has no affiliation whatsoever with Regal or any of its related entities. Regal is not responsible for the privacy practices of this website, nor does it endorse or warrant the accuracy or content of the products or services of such website. We recommend that you review the website’s policies regarding privacy and security. Use of this site and its services and products is at the user’s own risk, and without guarantee or warranty of any kind from Regal.

Privacy Policy

• Regal has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to customer privacy on the Internet. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this web site:

Where Do We Obtain the Information?

• The information that we have comes directly from you. This includes such information as your name, address and Social Security number that you provided on applications, agreements or other forms. In addition, we maintain records of each of your transactions and holdings processed by us.

• We also may obtain information about you, such as your credit history or other facts relating to creditworthiness, from a consumer-reporting agency.

• Our site’s registration form requires users to give us contact information (like their name and e-mail address). We use customer contact information from the registration form to send the user information about our company. The customer’s contact information is also used to contact the visitor when necessary. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings; see the choice/opt-out section below.

• We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our Web site. Regal provides investment brokerage services by means of its own internal operation and those of its clearing firm and other unaffiliated third party providers such as mutual funds and variable product sponsors. Regal acts as an introducing broker to its clearing firm, which in turn processes the transactions and acts as the account custodian. All of the above named parties receive and maintain information about you that is related to and necessary for processing investments in your account.

Confidentiality and Security

• This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. The Trading Area uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology to provide a secure environment for all transactions. If you do not have an up-to-date browser that supports SSL, you should upgrade today. We restrict access to information about you to those employees and authorized agents who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to maintain the confidentiality of your information.

To Whom Do We Disclose The Information

• Regal does not sell your nonpublic personal information. We provide information about current or former clients from the sources described above to parties outside of this firm only as described below:

• To other companies as necessary to process your business. For example, we process your mutual fund and variable product transactions through product providers with whom we have dealer-selling agreements. If you have a trading account, the information that we obtained from you is given to the clearing firm for purposes of facilitating securities trading and statement preparation. These parties must limit their use of the information to the purpose for which it was provided.

• Where required by law or regulation. Examples include responses to a subpoena, court order or regulatory demand. As authorized by you, you may direct us, for example, to send account statements or other account information to a third party. As otherwise authorized or permitted by law. For example, the law permits us to respond to a request for information about you from a consumer-reporting agency.

Supplemental Information

• This site may supplement the information that you provide when submitting an application for an account with information that is received from third parties.


• The SuccessTrader Web site contains links to other Web sites. Regal is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.

Who Is Covered By The Privacy Policy?

• The Privacy Policy applies to consumers who are customers or former customers of Regal . We provide our Privacy Policy to customers when they open a new account and annually thereafter. In the event of a change, a revised Privacy Statement will promptly be posted to our Web site. Any dispute over our Privacy Policy is subject to this notice and our Terms and Conditions, including arbitration of disputes and limitation of damages.


• Regal provides users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications. Regal gives users the following options for removing their information from our database to not receive future communications or to no longer receive our service.


Call: 1-888-411-1217

Mail your request to:

Regal Securities

950 Milwaukee Ave. Suite 102

Glenview, IL 60025

• This site gives users the following options for changing and modifying information previously provided.


Call: 1-888-411-1217

 Mail your request to:

Regal Securities

950 Milwaukee Ave. Suite 102

Glenview, IL 60025


• If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you can contact:


Regal Securities

attn: Compliance Dept.

950 Milwaukee Ave. Suite 101

Glenview, IL 60025

Trading Risk
• Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. Prior to trading options, you must be approved for options trading and read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. A copy may also be requested via email at or via mail to Regal , 950 Milwaukee Ave., Ste. 102, Glenview, IL 60025. Online trading has inherent risks due to loss of online services or delays from system performance, risk parameters, market conditions, and erroneous or unavailable market data.
Option Trading in an IRA

• Regal allows option trading in IRAs based on investor’s individual suitability. Option trading in IRAs includes call buying, put buying, cash-secured put writing, spreads, and covered calls. Unsecured (naked) puts and naked call transactions are not permitted in IRAs. We reserve the right to determine what trading is suitable for an IRA. When trading options in an IRA, there are significant limitations as to how potential losses can be covered.

Thank you for your interest in SuccessTrader. Please note that we are selective in the accounts we open to ensure the highest quality service. Our streamlined systems and professional team are dedicated to providing exceptional support to experienced and qualified candidates. Please note our minimum funding requirement is $30,000 for new domestic accounts/$50,000 for foreign accounts and must remain over $25,000 at all times.
Complete the questionnaire to determine if you qualify

Open Account Lead
First Name
Last Name